- 10 Oct, 2012 1 commit
Michael DeHaan committed
- 09 Oct, 2012 5 commits
Michael DeHaan committed
Sigh, another retypo
Michael DeHaan committed -
Fixes to documentation
Michael DeHaan committed -
Dag Wieers committed
Dag Wieers committed
- 08 Oct, 2012 30 commits
Michael DeHaan committed
Michael DeHaan committed
Michael DeHaan committed
Makes ports configurable for fireball. Note port defaults really belong in the connection plugins, not runner, which can be refactored later.
Michael DeHaan committed -
Various small fixes to boolean usage and defaults
Michael DeHaan committed -
cron feature (w/o tests)
Michael DeHaan committed -
Keep the man3 directory. 'make docs' breaks without it.
Michael DeHaan committed -
Add this module's namespace to the 'module_' namespace.
Michael DeHaan committed -
Fix typo in service module docs
Michael DeHaan committed -
Add inventory variables for hosts not in the play to hostvars.
Michael DeHaan committed -
Look up only when requested and cache the result.
Jeroen Hoekx committed -
Tim Bielawa committed
Tim Bielawa committed
Dane Summers committed
Much like we currently have *setup* register the variable `module_setup`, we would like other facts-modules register their own namespace. This means that: - *network_facts* registers `module_network` - *hpilo_facts* registers `module_hw` - *vsphere_facts* registers `module_hw` In retrospect, it would have made more sense to have `setup` register `module_ansible` instead as the setup module uses the `ansible_` namesepace. Having the `module_` namespace allows us to check whether a certain namespace has already been loaded so we can avoid running the facts module a second time using only_if. ```yaml - action: network_facts host=${ansible_hostname_short} only_if: is_unset('$module_network') ```
Dag Wieers committed -
Dag Wieers committed
Michael DeHaan committed
Michael DeHaan committed
chapter 3 manpage source does not belong in git because it includes datestamps that constantly change. Willing to re-add if datestamps are removable.
Michael DeHaan committed -
Michael DeHaan committed
Michael DeHaan committed
Michael DeHaan committed
Michael DeHaan committed
Michael DeHaan committed
Michael DeHaan committed
Michael DeHaan committed
Michael DeHaan committed
Michael DeHaan committed
Michael DeHaan committed
Michael DeHaan committed
- 07 Oct, 2012 4 commits
Fix typo/cosmetic change
Michael DeHaan committed -
Vsphere facts fixes
Michael DeHaan committed -
This is the opposite as library/virt, but much better than using name= as the default option name.
Dag Wieers committed -
Dag Wieers committed