- 01 Mar, 2013 29 commits
Michael DeHaan committed
Michael DeHaan committed
Use opkg module as basis for macports module
Michael DeHaan committed -
Allow relative creates/removes path with `chdir`
Michael DeHaan committed -
Daniel Hokka Zakrisson committed
Daniel Hokka Zakrisson committed
This puts host_vars and group_vars inside of the directory, allowing you to target a single inventory but still have access to the variables.
Daniel Hokka Zakrisson committed -
Daniel Hokka Zakrisson committed
Daniel Hokka Zakrisson committed
Michael DeHaan committed
Allow specifying args directly to actions using module: syntax
Michael DeHaan committed -
Add mysql user documentation about idempotent playbooks
Michael DeHaan committed -
add to_nice_yaml|json filters
Michael DeHaan committed -
git://github.com/bcoca/ansibleMichael DeHaan committed
outside, and get confused about scope. As a result simply this documentation feature by not talking about it :)
Michael DeHaan committed -
Cowsay on OSX macports
Michael DeHaan committed -
Jimmy Tang committed
Doc that fetch returns ok when src not present.
Michael DeHaan committed -
virt module doc fix
Michael DeHaan committed -
Adding support for OpenWrt
Michael DeHaan committed -
Update various modules for check_mode
Michael DeHaan committed -
This module is pretty simplistic, it is derived from the opkg module.
Jimmy Tang committed -
Add ISO8601 date/time format to setup
Michael DeHaan committed -
Zulu time and one with microseconds, useful for timestamping Add TZ
Jan-Piet Mens committed -
fdavis committed
Add remote user_id to ansible facts
Michael DeHaan committed
- 28 Feb, 2013 11 commits
Josh Mandel committed
Josh Mandel committed
Michael DeHaan committed
Michael DeHaan committed
Added dat and time facts to setup
Michael DeHaan committed -
commit 076501459322cf6c14de742e504339d80ffdeed5 Author: Ton Kersten <tonk@tonkersten.com> Date: Thu Feb 28 21:32:57 2013 +0100 Added date and time facts to setup
Ton Kersten committed -
Yves Dorfsman committed
Fix bug from copy-paste
Michael DeHaan committed -
Mark Theunissen committed
Remy van Elst committed
Remy van Elst committed