1. 24 Jan, 2015 1 commit
    • Initial commit of Ansible support for the Consul clustering framework (http://consul.io). · c02f1149
      Submission includes support for
       - creating and registering services and checks
       - reading, writing and lookup for values in consul's kv store
       - creating and manipulating sessions for distributed locking on values in the kv
       - creating and manipulating ACLs for restricting access to the kv store
       - inventory support that reads the Consul catalog and group nodes according to
           - datacenters
           - exposed services
           - service availability
           - arbitrary groupings from the kv store
      This submission makes extensive use of the python-consul library and this is required
      as a dependency and can be installed from pip.
      The tests were written to target a vagrant cluster which can be setup by following the
      instructions here http://github.com/sgargan/consul-vagrant
      Steve Gargan committed