1. 11 Sep, 2012 4 commits
  2. 10 Sep, 2012 2 commits
    • Add support for ./ansible.cfg file · 0cdd081b
      Ansible support configuration in:
      this patch add current user (usefull where user have some different projects) with the oreder:
      Marco Vito Moscaritolo committed
    • Support import of playbooks in other directories · b9e100a5
      Previously, importing a playbook in a different directory didn't
      work because all of the relative paths were resolved relative to
      the top-level playbook.
      This patch resolves relative paths on a per-play level instead of
      relative to the directory of the top-level playbook.
      Also removes the dirname argument from the Play._get_vars method
      since this argument wasn't used in the metho dbody.
      Lorin Hochstein committed
  3. 08 Sep, 2012 9 commits
  4. 07 Sep, 2012 17 commits
  5. 06 Sep, 2012 8 commits