Commit ff4119ad by Serge van Ginderachter Committed by James Cammarata

Performance optimization in resolving host patterns

Avoid resolving a pattern that is a plain host. When matching a hostname in the
hosts_cache, just use the host object from there.

When running a task on say 750 hosts, this yields a huge improvement.
parent 539426f6
......@@ -213,15 +213,18 @@ class Inventory(object):
hosts = []
for p in patterns:
that = self.__get_hosts(p)
if p.startswith("!"):
hosts = [ h for h in hosts if h not in that ]
elif p.startswith("&"):
hosts = [ h for h in hosts if h in that ]
# avoid resolving a pattern that is a plain host
if p in self._hosts_cache:
to_append = [ h for h in that if not in [ for y in hosts ] ]
that = self.__get_hosts(p)
if p.startswith("!"):
hosts = [ h for h in hosts if h not in that ]
elif p.startswith("&"):
hosts = [ h for h in hosts if h in that ]
to_append = [ h for h in that if not in [ for y in hosts ] ]
return hosts
def __get_hosts(self, pattern):
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