Commit fcb610de by Michael DeHaan

Slightly trim down the warnings list based on some things being pretty common

for local usage.
parent ab8490d0
......@@ -102,6 +102,14 @@ ansible_managed = Ansible managed: {file} modified on %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S by {uid}
# to disable these warnings, set the following value to False:
#deprecation_warnings = True
# by default (as of 1.8), Ansible will warn when usage of the shell and
# command module appear to be simplified by using a default Ansible module
# instead. These warnings can be silenced by adjusting the following
# setting or adding warn=yes or warn=no to the end of the command line
# parameter string.
# command_warnings = True
# set plugin path directories here, separate with colons
action_plugins = /usr/share/ansible_plugins/action_plugins
callback_plugins = /usr/share/ansible_plugins/callback_plugins
......@@ -537,7 +537,7 @@ class PlaybookRunnerCallbacks(DefaultRunnerCallbacks):
display(msg, color='yellow', runner=self.runner)
if constants.COMMAND_WARNINGS and 'warnings' in host_result2 and host_result2['warnings']:
for warning in host_result2['warnings']:
display("warn: %s" % warning, color='purple', runner=self.runner)
display("warning: %s" % warning, color='purple', runner=self.runner)
super(PlaybookRunnerCallbacks, self).on_ok(host, host_result)
def on_skipped(self, host, item=None):
......@@ -125,7 +125,6 @@ def check_command(commandline):
'svn': 'subversion', 'service': 'service',
'mount': 'mount', 'rpm': 'yum', 'yum': 'yum', 'apt-get': 'apt-get',
'tar': 'unarchive', 'unzip': 'unarchive', 'sed': 'template or lineinfile',
'echo': 'template or lineinfile', 'cp': 'synchronize or copy',
'rsync': 'synchronize' }
warnings = list()
command = os.path.basename(commandline.split()[0])
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