Commit fba75aac by Fabian Arrotin

Added Action.IO to who_uses_ansible and ansible-provisioning to contribs

parent 2b3aeda3
......@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ They can be written in any language.
- `zypper (bash module
example) <>`_ - jp\_mens
- `homebrew <>`_ - swehack
- `Ansible-Provisioning <>`_ - jhoekx and dagwieers
Python modules using 0.6 and later can use the common "AnsibleModule"
class to dramatically reduce the amount of boilerplate code required.
......@@ -24,4 +24,5 @@ The following is an opt-in list of just some of the folks using Ansible -- to ge
* `Tomorrow Focus Technologies GmbH <>`_ - Running some of the biggest web sites in Europe
* ` <>`_ - Find real estate in Brazil
* `Ginsys <>`_ - Linux infrastructure consulting from Belgium
* `Action.IO <>`_ - Action.IO Cloud Development Platform
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