@@ -106,11 +106,38 @@ Additional modules may be submitted as pull requests to github.
.. _windows_system_prep:
System Prep
In order for Ansible to manage your windows machines, you will have to enable Powershell remoting first, which also enables WinRM::
From the Windows host, launch the Powershell Client. For information on Powershell, visit 'Microsoft's Using Powershell article <http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn425048.aspx>'
In the powershell session, run the following to enable PS Remoting and set the execution policy
.. code-block:: bash
$ Enable-PSRemoting -Force
$ Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
If your Windows firewall is enabled, you must also run the following command to allow firewall access to the public firewall profile::
.. code-block:: bash
$ Windows 2012 / 2012R2
$ Set-NetFirewallRule -Name "WINRM-HTTP-In-TCP-PUBLIC" -RemoteAddress Any
$ Windows 2008 / 2008R2
$ NetSH ADVFirewall Set AllProfiles Settings remotemanagement Enable
Best Practices
By default, Powershell remoting enables an HTTP listener. The following commands enable an HTTPS listener, which secures communication between the Control Machine and windows.