Commit f8ca975c by Michael DeHaan

The Guru program has been folded in with Ansible Tower. Have

questions or interested in Ansible support?  We'd love to hear from you.
Email us at
parent 0defe19c
Ansible Guru
While many users should be able to get on fine with the documentation, mailing list, and IRC, sometimes you want a bit more.
`Ansible Guru <>`_ is an offering from Ansible, Inc that helps users who would like more dedicated help with Ansible, including building playbooks, best practices, architecture suggestions, and more -- all from our awesome support and services team. It also includes some useful discounts and also some free T-shirts, though you shouldn't get it just for the free shirts! It's a great way to train up to becoming an Ansible expert.
For those interested, click through the link above. You can sign up in minutes!
For users looking for more hands-on help, we also have some more information on our `Services page <>`_, and support is also included with :doc:`tower`.
......@@ -38,5 +38,4 @@ This documentation covers the current released version of Ansible (1.7.2) and al
Subproject commit 195e7c5a1373ffd79d450a4f7da313bdaad18315
Subproject commit 2970b339eb8ea6031e6153cabe45459bc2bd5754
Subproject commit 5a514ccddae85ccc5802eea8751401600e45c32f
Subproject commit ad181b7aa949848e3085065e09195cb28c34fdf7
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