Commit f72649d0 by Michael DeHaan

Merge pull request #2698 from skvidal/atomic_replace_and_cron

Atomic replace and cron
parents 84fb92da f74a1fa4
......@@ -797,7 +797,11 @@ class AnsibleModule(object):
if self.selinux_enabled():
context = self.selinux_default_context(dest)
self.set_context_if_different(src, context, False)
os.rename(src, dest)
shutil.copy2(src, dest)
except shutil.Error, e:
self.fail_json(msg='Could not atomic_replace file: %s to %s: %s' % (src, dest, e))
def run_command(self, args, check_rc=False, close_fds=False, executable=None, data=None):
......@@ -132,6 +132,7 @@ updates: Mike Grozak
import re
import tempfile
import os
def get_jobs_file(module, user, tmpfile, cron_file):
if cron_file:
......@@ -143,11 +144,19 @@ def get_jobs_file(module, user, tmpfile, cron_file):
def install_jobs(module, user, tmpfile, cron_file):
if cron_file:
cmd = "ln -f %s /etc/cron.d/%s" % (tmpfile, cron_file)
cron_file = '/etc/cron.d/%s' % cron_file
module.atomic_replace(tmpfile, cron_file)
except (OSError, IOError), e:
return (1, "", str(e))
return (1, "", str(e))
return (0, "", "")
cmd = "crontab %s %s" % (user, tmpfile)
return module.run_command(cmd)
return module.run_command(cmd)
def get_jobs(tmpfile):
lines = open(tmpfile).read().splitlines()
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