Commit f6db60cb by jctanner

Merge pull request #6787 from tyll/pull_ssh_prompt

ssh: propagate prompt to _communicate()
parents 15c71288 2cae7472
......@@ -264,6 +264,7 @@ class Connection(object):
sudocmd, prompt, success_key = utils.make_su_cmd(su_user, executable, cmd)
elif not self.runner.sudo or not sudoable:
prompt = None
if executable:
ssh_cmd.append(executable + ' -c ' + pipes.quote(cmd))
......@@ -333,7 +334,7 @@ class Connection(object):
elif su:
stdin.write(self.runner.su_pass + '\n')
(returncode, stdout, stderr) = self._communicate(p, stdin, in_data, su=su, sudoable=sudoable)
(returncode, stdout, stderr) = self._communicate(p, stdin, in_data, su=su, sudoable=sudoable, prompt=prompt)
if C.HOST_KEY_CHECKING and not_in_host_file:
# lock around the initial SSH connectivity so the user prompt about whether to add
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