Commit f41fb90d by Seth Vidal

fix the get_hosts() error in get_groups returning a dict not a list of group objects

parent d6e56dee
......@@ -73,14 +73,14 @@ class Inventory(object):
hosts = {}
patterns = pattern.replace(";",":").split(":")
for group in self.get_groups():
for host in group.get_hosts():
for pat in patterns:
if == pat or pat == 'all' or self._match(, pat):
if not self._restriction:
hosts[] = host
if self._restriction and in self._restriction:
hosts[] = host
for (groupname, group) in self.get_groups().items():
for host in group.get_hosts():
for pat in patterns:
if == pat or pat == 'all' or self._match(, pat):
if not self._restriction:
hosts[] = host
if self._restriction and in self._restriction:
hosts[] = host
return sorted(hosts.values(), key=lambda x:
def get_groups(self):
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