Commit f247b932 by Michael DeHaan

Add the start of a graphviz doc to illustrate variable precedence graphically.

parent 7c3dbd3c
......@@ -10,6 +10,10 @@ docs: clean modules staticmin
-(cp *.jpg htmlout/)
-(cp *.png htmlout/)
(mkdir -p htmlout/)
dot -Tpng -o htmlout/variables.png
viewdocs: clean staticmin
./ view
digraph G {
subgraph cluster_0 {
"command line variables" -> "--extra-args"
subgraph cluster_1 {
"role variables" -> "roles/rolename/vars.yml" -> "parameters passed to role" -> "parameters from dependent roles"
subgraph cluster_2 {
"top-level playbook variables" -> "vars: directives" -> "vars_files: directives";
subgraph cluster_3 {
"inventory variables" -> "group_vars/all" -> "group_vars/grandparent1" -> "group_vars/parent1" -> "host_vars/myhostname";
"group_vars/all" -> "group_vars/grandparent2";
"group_vars/grandparent1" -> "group_vars/parent2"
"group_vars/grandparent2" -> "host_vars/myhostname";
"group_vars/parent2" -> "host_vars/myhostname"
subgraph cluster_4 {
"facts" -> "gathered host facts"
"facts" -> "host facts from /etc/ansible/facts.d"
"facts" -> "set_fact"
"facts" -> "include_vars"
subgraph cluster_5 {
"role defaults" -> "roles/rolename/defaults.yml"
"command line variables" -> "role variables" -> "top-level playbook variables" -> "inventory variables" -> "role defaults" -> "facts"
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