Commit f02ea15f by Seth Vidal

command: make sure that all _handle_aliases() calls returns {}

module_common: also work if there are no aliases (shell, command, etc) modules
parent b54887b0
......@@ -592,11 +592,9 @@ class AnsibleModule(object):
passwd_keys = ['password', 'login_password']
for param in self.params:
no_log = False
if self.aliases:
canon = self.aliases.get(param, param)
arg_opts = self.argument_spec[canon]
no_log = arg_opts.get('no_log', False)
canon = self.aliases.get(param, param)
arg_opts = self.argument_spec.get(canon, {})
no_log = arg_opts.get('no_log', False)
if no_log:
log_args[param] = 'NOT_LOGGING_PARAMETER'
......@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ def main():
class CommandModule(AnsibleModule):
def _handle_aliases(self):
return {}
def _check_invalid_arguments(self):
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