Commit ef968efa by Don Schenck Committed by Matt Martz

Fixed bugs related to .NET Framework version. Version 3.5 or higher is now

parent b0648fda
......@@ -32,13 +32,13 @@ if (!(test-path $powershellpath))
# .NET Framework 4.0 is necessary.
if (($PSVersionTable.CLRVersion.Major) -lt 4)
$DownloadUrl = ""
$FileName = $DownLoadUrl.Split('/')[-1]
download-file $downloadurl "$powershellpath\$filename"
."$powershellpath\$filename" /quiet /norestart
#if (($PSVersionTable.CLRVersion.Major) -lt 2)
# $DownloadUrl = ""
# $FileName = $DownLoadUrl.Split('/')[-1]
# download-file $downloadurl "$powershellpath\$filename"
# ."$powershellpath\$filename" /quiet /norestart
#You may need to reboot after the .NET install if so just run the script again.
......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ $osminor = [environment]::OSVersion.Version.Minor
if ($osminor -eq 1)
$DownloadUrl = ""
$DownloadUrl = ""
elseif ($osminor -eq 0)
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