Commit e81947c3 by James Cammarata

Fix vars_prompt short form support (and mark deprecated)

parent be7bd392
......@@ -88,14 +88,10 @@ class PlaybookExecutor:
if play.vars_prompt:
for var in play.vars_prompt:
if 'name' not in var:
raise AnsibleError("'vars_prompt' item is missing 'name:'", obj=play._ds)
vname = var['name']
prompt = var.get("prompt", vname)
default = var.get("default", None)
private = var.get("private", True)
confirm = var.get("confirm", False)
encrypt = var.get("encrypt", None)
salt_size = var.get("salt_size", None)
......@@ -31,10 +31,18 @@ from ansible.playbook.helpers import load_list_of_blocks, load_list_of_roles
from ansible.playbook.role import Role
from ansible.playbook.taggable import Taggable
from ansible.playbook.task import Task
from ansible.vars import preprocess_vars
__all__ = ['Play']
from __main__ import display
display = display
except ImportError:
from ansible.utils.display import Display
display = Display()
class Play(Base, Taggable, Become):
......@@ -120,9 +128,6 @@ class Play(Base, Taggable, Become):
ds['remote_user'] = ds['user']
del ds['user']
if 'vars_prompt' in ds and not isinstance(ds['vars_prompt'], list):
ds['vars_prompt'] = [ ds['vars_prompt'] ]
return super(Play, self).preprocess_data(ds)
def _load_hosts(self, attr, ds):
......@@ -191,8 +196,28 @@ class Play(Base, Taggable, Become):
roles.append(Role.load(ri, play=self))
return roles
# FIXME: post_validation needs to ensure that become/su/sudo have only 1 set
def _load_vars_prompt(self, attr, ds):
new_ds = preprocess_vars(ds)
vars_prompts = []
for prompt_data in new_ds:
if 'name' not in prompt_data:
self._display.deprecated("Using the 'short form' for vars_prompt has been deprecated")
for vname, prompt in prompt_data.iteritems():
name = vname,
prompt = prompt,
default = None,
private = None,
confirm = None,
encrypt = None,
salt_size = None,
salt = None,
return vars_prompts
# FIXME: post_validation needs to ensure that become/su/sudo have only 1 set
def _compile_roles(self):
Handles the role compilation step, returning a flat list of tasks
......@@ -44,6 +44,26 @@ from ansible.vars.unsafe_proxy import UnsafeProxy
CACHED_VARS = dict()
def preprocess_vars(a):
Ensures that vars contained in the parameter passed in are
returned as a list of dictionaries, to ensure for instance
that vars loaded from a file conform to an expected state.
if a is None:
return None
elif not isinstance(a, list):
data = [ a ]
data = a
for item in data:
if not isinstance(item, MutableMapping):
raise AnsibleError("variable files must contain either a dictionary of variables, or a list of dictionaries. Got: %s (%s)" % (a, type(a)))
return data
class VariableManager:
def __init__(self):
......@@ -157,14 +177,14 @@ class VariableManager:
# then we merge in the special 'all' group_vars first, if they exist
if 'all' in self._group_vars_files:
data = self._preprocess_vars(self._group_vars_files['all'])
data = preprocess_vars(self._group_vars_files['all'])
for item in data:
all_vars = combine_vars(all_vars, item)
for group in host.get_groups():
if in self._group_vars_files and != 'all':
for data in self._group_vars_files[]:
data = self._preprocess_vars(data)
data = preprocess_vars(data)
for item in data:
all_vars = combine_vars(all_vars, item)
......@@ -175,7 +195,7 @@ class VariableManager:
host_name = host.get_name()
if host_name in self._host_vars_files:
for data in self._host_vars_files[host_name]:
data = self._preprocess_vars(data)
data = preprocess_vars(data)
for item in data:
all_vars = combine_vars(all_vars, item)
......@@ -211,7 +231,7 @@ class VariableManager:
# as soon as we read one from the list. If none are found, we
# raise an error, which is silently ignored at this point.
for vars_file in vars_file_list:
data = self._preprocess_vars(loader.load_from_file(vars_file))
data = preprocess_vars(loader.load_from_file(vars_file))
if data is not None:
for item in data:
all_vars = combine_vars(all_vars, item)
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