Commit e7846343 by Till Maas

facts: Add ed25519 ssh pubkey

parent 0913b826
......@@ -474,14 +474,17 @@ class Facts(object):
dsa_filename = '/etc/ssh/'
rsa_filename = '/etc/ssh/'
ecdsa_filename = '/etc/ssh/'
ed25519_filename = '/etc/ssh/'
if self.facts['system'] == 'Darwin':
dsa_filename = '/etc/'
rsa_filename = '/etc/'
ecdsa_filename = '/etc/'
ed25519_filename = '/etc/'
dsa = get_file_content(dsa_filename)
rsa = get_file_content(rsa_filename)
ecdsa = get_file_content(ecdsa_filename)
ed25519 = get_file_content(ed25519_filename)
if dsa is None:
dsa = 'NA'
......@@ -494,6 +497,10 @@ class Facts(object):
ecdsa = 'NA'
self.facts['ssh_host_key_ecdsa_public'] = ecdsa.split()[1]
if ed25519 is None:
ed25519 = 'NA'
self.facts['ssh_host_key_ed25519_public'] = ed25519.split()[1]
def get_pkg_mgr_facts(self):
self.facts['pkg_mgr'] = 'unknown'
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