Commit e338c743 by James Cammarata

Minor fix for putting 0-length files over accelerated connections

Fixes #4652
parent 4bc70f0c
......@@ -200,9 +200,10 @@ class Connection(object):
fstat = os.stat(in_path)
vvv("PUT file is %d bytes" % fstat.st_size)
while fd.tell() < fstat.st_size:
last = False
while fd.tell() <= fstat.st_size and not last:
vvvv("file position currently %ld, file size is %ld" % (fd.tell(), fstat.st_size))
data =
last = False
if fd.tell() >= fstat.st_size:
last = True
data = dict(mode='put', data=base64.b64encode(data), out_path=out_path, last=last)
......@@ -224,6 +225,7 @@ class Connection(object):
raise errors.AnsibleError("failed to put the file in the requested location")
vvvv("waiting for final response after PUT")
response = self.recv_data()
if not response:
raise errors.AnsibleError("Failed to get a response from %s" %
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