Commit e086d6fd by Committed by Michael DeHaan

Doc updates

parent b68f81a7
......@@ -134,6 +134,8 @@ $(window).ready(set_max_menu_height);
{%- block footer %}
<footer class="footer">
<a href=""><img src="" alt="AnsibleWorks"></a>
{%- if show_copyright %}
{%- if hasdoc('copyright') %}
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{%- endif %}
{%- endblock %}
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join('ansible', 'lib'))
AUTHOR='Michael DeHaan'
# General configuration
......@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ master_doc = 'index'
# General substitutions.
project = 'Ansible Documentation'
copyright = "2012 Michael DeHaan"
copyright = "2013 AnsibleWorks"
# The default replacements for |version| and |release|, also used in various
# other places throughout the built documents.
YAML Syntax
.. image::
:alt: ansiblefest 2013
This page provides a basic overview of correct YAML syntax, which is how Ansible
playbooks (our configuration management language) are expressed.
API & Integrations
.. image::
:alt: ansiblefest 2013
There are several interesting ways to use Ansible from an API perspective. You can use
the Ansible python API to control nodes, you can extend Ansible to respond to various python events,
and you can plug in inventory data from external data sources. Ansible is written in its own
Best Practices
.. image::
:alt: ansiblefest 2013
Here are some tips for making the most of Ansible.
You can find some example playbooks illustrating these best practices in our `ansible-examples repository <>`_.
Ansible Resources
.. image::
:alt: ansiblefest 2013
User contributed playbooks, modules, and articles. This is a small
curated list, but growing. Everyone is encouraged to add to this
document, just send in a github pull request to docsite/rst/contrib.rst!
Command Line Examples And Next Steps
.. image::
:alt: ansiblefest 2013
.. highlight:: bash
The following examples show how to use `/usr/bin/ansible` for running
Getting Started
.. image::
:alt: ansiblefest 2013
.. contents::
:depth: 2
:backlinks: top
.. image::
:alt: ansiblefest 2013
The following is a list (and re-explanation) of term definitions used elsewhere in the Ansible documentation.
Consult the documentation home page for the full documentation and to see this in context, but this should be a good resource
......@@ -3,12 +3,22 @@
Ansible Documentation
This page contains documentation about how to use `Ansible <>`_.
.. image::
:alt: ansiblefest 2013
Before we dive into playbooks, configuration management, deployment, and orchestration, learn how to get Ansible installed and some
This page contains documentation about how to use `Ansible <>`_. You may also be interested in taking a class:
.. image::
:alt: ansibleworks training
Before we dive into playbooks, configuration management, deployment, and orchestration, we'll learn how to get Ansible installed and some
basic information. We'll go over how to execute ad-hoc commands in parallel across your nodes using /usr/bin/ansible. We'll also see
what sort of modules are available in Ansible's core (though you can also write your own, which we'll also show later).
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
......@@ -17,7 +27,6 @@ what sort of modules are available in Ansible's core (though you can also write
......@@ -26,6 +35,7 @@ Overview
:width: 566px
:height: 439px
Module Development
.. image::
:alt: ansiblefest 2013
Ansible modules are reusable units of magic that can be used by the Ansible API,
or by the `ansible` or `ansible-playbook` programs.
Ansible Modules
.. image::
:alt: ansiblefest 2013
.. contents::
:depth: 2
:backlinks: top
......@@ -3,6 +3,11 @@
Inventory & Patterns
.. image::
:alt: ansiblefest 2013
Ansible works against multiple systems in your infrastructure at the
same time. It does this by selecting portions of systems listed in
Ansible's inventory file, which defaults to /etc/ansible/hosts.
.. image::
:alt: ansiblefest 2013
.. contents::
:depth: 2
:backlinks: top
Advanced Playbooks
.. image::
:alt: ansiblefest 2013
Here are some advanced features of the playbooks language. Using all of these features
are not neccessary, but many of them will prove useful. If a feature doesn't seem immediately
relevant, feel free to skip it. For many people, the features documented in `playbooks` will
.. _who_uses_ansible:
Who Uses Ansible
The following is an opt-in list of just some of the folks using Ansible -- to get your company details here, `Email Michael <>`_.
* `Action.IO <>`_ - Action.IO Cloud Development Platform
* `Alta Language Services <>`_ - language testing, solutions, and translation services
* `Aspiro TV <>`_ - Media Streaming
* `Basho <>`_ - makers of NoSQL engine Riak
* `CatN Hosting <>`_ - scalable Cloud hosting
* `Cygate AB <>`_ - IT solutions from Malmo, Sweeden
* `D square NV <>`_ - Process industry data mining, Belgium
* `Dag IT Solutions <>`_ - Enterprise Linux & Beyond
* `Digital Repository of Ireland <>` - Digital Preservation and Archiving
* `Duke University Economics <>`_ - Research & Education
* `Eucalyptus Systems Inc. <>`_ - Makers of the AWS-compatible private cloud platform
* `Ginsys <>`_ - Linux infrastructure consulting from Belgium
* `The Fedora Project <>`_ - Produces the Popular Linux Distribution
* `Four Kitchens <>`_ - The Drupal Experts
* `Muck Rack <>`_ - "The destination for journalists on twitter & social media"
* `HP (Germany) <>`_ - HP
* `Nimbis Services <>`_ - Technical Computing for the Cloud
* ` <>`_ - Open Source consulting and development, Austria
* `Schmooze Com <>`_ - Creators of Industry Leading PBX Platforms
* `Scientific Computing Center, Aristotle Univ. of Thessaloniki <>`_ - Grid/Cloud-Based Scientific Computing
* `Shorty Awards <>`_ - Honoring the best in social media
* `Speedy Rails <>`_ - Cloud Based Rails Hosting
* ` <>`_ - Real time photo search engine
* `Steelhouse <>`_ - Behavioral commerce
* ` <>`_ - "The easiest way to start using Tent"
* `Tranquil Hosting <>`_ - Managed Linux Hosting Services
* `Trinity Centre for High Performance Computing - <>`_ - Research and Education
* `Tomorrow Focus Technologies GmbH <>`_ - Running some of the biggest web sites in Europe
* ` <>`_ - Find real estate in Brazil
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