Replace lists with a comma-separated join

parent 13e8ef5f
......@@ -309,6 +309,8 @@ def varReplace(raw, vars, depth=0):
replacement = _varLookup(m['path'], vars, depth)
if isinstance(replacement, (list, tuple)):
replacement = ",".join(replacement)
if isinstance(replacement, (str, unicode)):
replacement = varReplace(replacement, vars, depth=depth + 1)
except VarNotFoundException:
......@@ -225,6 +225,19 @@ class TestUtils(unittest.TestCase):
res = ansible.utils.varReplace(template, vars)
assert res == 'bar'
def test_varReplace_list_join(self):
vars = {
'list': [
template = 'yum pkg=${list} state=installed'
res = ansible.utils.varReplace(template, vars)
assert res == 'yum pkg=foo,bar,baz state=installed'
def test_template_varReplace_iterated(self):
template = 'hello $who'
vars = {
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