Commit dbad5d71 by g-k-r Committed by Richard C Isaacson

modifed test to use get_hosts instead of get_groups

closes #5749

parent 6626cb0b
......@@ -434,8 +434,7 @@ class TestInventory(unittest.TestCase):
def test_dir_inventory_multiple_groups(self):
inventory = self.dir_inventory()
group_greek = inventory.get_group('greek')
group_major_god = inventory.get_group('major-god')
actual_host_names = [ for host in group_greek.get_hosts()];
print "%s : %s " % (, actual_host_names)
assert actual_host_names == ['zeus','morpheus']
\ No newline at end of file
group_greek = inventory.get_hosts('greek')
actual_host_names = [ for host in group_greek];
print "greek : %s " % (actual_host_names)
assert actual_host_names == ['zeus','morpheus']
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