Commit dac90278 by Michael DeHaan

More shell fixes

parent 6067d826
......@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ except ImportError:
def ring_check(module, riak_admin_bin):
cmd = '%s ringready 2> /dev/null' % riak_admin_bin
cmd = '%s ringready' % riak_admin_bin
rc, out, err = module.run_command(cmd)
if rc == 0 and 'TRUE All nodes agree on the ring' in out:
return True
......@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ def main():
if wait_for_handoffs:
timeout = time.time() + wait_for_handoffs
while True:
cmd = '%s transfers 2> /dev/null' % riak_admin_bin
cmd = '%s transfers' % riak_admin_bin
rc, out, err = module.run_command(cmd)
if 'No transfers active' in out:
result['handoffs'] = 'No transfers active.'
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