Commit d100db83 by Abhijit Menon-Sen

Add basic tests for expand_hostname_range

parent 838e71ed
......@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ from ansible.compat.tests.mock import patch, MagicMock
from ansible.errors import AnsibleError, AnsibleParserError
from ansible.inventory import Inventory
from ansible.inventory.expand_hosts import expand_hostname_range
from ansible.vars import VariableManager
from units.mock.loader import DictDataLoader
......@@ -71,6 +72,16 @@ class TestInventory(unittest.TestCase):
'a[1:]': [('a', (1, -1)), list(string.ascii_letters[1:])],
ranges_to_expand = {
'a[1:2]': ['a1', 'a2'],
'a[1:10:2]': ['a1', 'a3', 'a5', 'a7', 'a9'],
'a[a:b]': ['aa', 'ab'],
'a[a:i:3]': ['aa', 'ad', 'ag'],
'a[a:b][c:d]': ['aac', 'aad', 'abc', 'abd'],
'a[0:1][2:3]': ['a02', 'a03', 'a12', 'a13'],
'a[a:b][2:3]': ['aa2', 'aa3', 'ab2', 'ab3'],
def setUp(self):
v = VariableManager()
fake_loader = DictDataLoader({})
......@@ -98,3 +109,9 @@ class TestInventory(unittest.TestCase):
def test_expand_hostname_range(self):
for e in self.ranges_to_expand:
r = self.ranges_to_expand[e]
self.assertEqual(r, expand_hostname_range(e))
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