Commit d0ad6c58 by Brian Harring

For defaults that are integers, enforce it for config supplied values.

If a user supplies a string in the config (rather than an int), the code
should fix that- or blow up immediately- rather than allowing that value to
work it's way down and break w/in the connection object; when that happens,
the actual error is opaque and requires pdb.set_trace() to run down.
parent 7ecb2b67
......@@ -96,17 +96,17 @@ DEFAULT_MODULE_PATH = get_config(p, DEFAULTS, 'library', 'ANSIBLE
DEFAULT_REMOTE_TMP = shell_expand_path(get_config(p, DEFAULTS, 'remote_tmp', 'ANSIBLE_REMOTE_TEMP', '$HOME/.ansible/tmp'))
DEFAULT_MODULE_NAME = get_config(p, DEFAULTS, 'module_name', None, 'command')
DEFAULT_PATTERN = get_config(p, DEFAULTS, 'pattern', None, '*')
DEFAULT_FORKS = get_config(p, DEFAULTS, 'forks', 'ANSIBLE_FORKS', 5)
DEFAULT_FORKS = get_config(p, DEFAULTS, 'forks', 'ANSIBLE_FORKS', 5, integer=True)
DEFAULT_MODULE_ARGS = get_config(p, DEFAULTS, 'module_args', 'ANSIBLE_MODULE_ARGS', '')
DEFAULT_MODULE_LANG = get_config(p, DEFAULTS, 'module_lang', 'ANSIBLE_MODULE_LANG', 'C')
DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = get_config(p, DEFAULTS, 'timeout', 'ANSIBLE_TIMEOUT', 10)
DEFAULT_POLL_INTERVAL = get_config(p, DEFAULTS, 'poll_interval', 'ANSIBLE_POLL_INTERVAL', 15)
DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = get_config(p, DEFAULTS, 'timeout', 'ANSIBLE_TIMEOUT', 10, integer=True)
DEFAULT_POLL_INTERVAL = get_config(p, DEFAULTS, 'poll_interval', 'ANSIBLE_POLL_INTERVAL', 15, integer=True)
DEFAULT_REMOTE_USER = get_config(p, DEFAULTS, 'remote_user', 'ANSIBLE_REMOTE_USER', active_user)
DEFAULT_ASK_PASS = get_config(p, DEFAULTS, 'ask_pass', 'ANSIBLE_ASK_PASS', False, boolean=True)
DEFAULT_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE = shell_expand_path(get_config(p, DEFAULTS, 'private_key_file', 'ANSIBLE_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE', None))
DEFAULT_SUDO_USER = get_config(p, DEFAULTS, 'sudo_user', 'ANSIBLE_SUDO_USER', 'root')
DEFAULT_ASK_SUDO_PASS = get_config(p, DEFAULTS, 'ask_sudo_pass', 'ANSIBLE_ASK_SUDO_PASS', False, boolean=True)
DEFAULT_REMOTE_PORT = int(get_config(p, DEFAULTS, 'remote_port', 'ANSIBLE_REMOTE_PORT', 22))
DEFAULT_REMOTE_PORT = get_config(p, DEFAULTS, 'remote_port', 'ANSIBLE_REMOTE_PORT', 22, integer=True)
DEFAULT_TRANSPORT = get_config(p, DEFAULTS, 'transport', 'ANSIBLE_TRANSPORT', 'smart')
DEFAULT_SCP_IF_SSH = get_config(p, 'ssh_connection', 'scp_if_ssh', 'ANSIBLE_SCP_IF_SSH', False, boolean=True)
DEFAULT_MANAGED_STR = get_config(p, DEFAULTS, 'ansible_managed', None, 'Ansible managed: {file} modified on %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S by {uid} on {host}')
......@@ -133,8 +133,8 @@ ANSIBLE_NOCOWS = get_config(p, DEFAULTS, 'nocows', 'ANSIBLE_NOCO
ANSIBLE_SSH_ARGS = get_config(p, 'ssh_connection', 'ssh_args', 'ANSIBLE_SSH_ARGS', None)
ANSIBLE_SSH_CONTROL_PATH = get_config(p, 'ssh_connection', 'control_path', 'ANSIBLE_SSH_CONTROL_PATH', "%(directory)s/ansible-ssh-%%h-%%p-%%r")
PARAMIKO_RECORD_HOST_KEYS = get_config(p, 'paramiko_connection', 'record_host_keys', 'ANSIBLE_PARAMIKO_RECORD_HOST_KEYS', True, boolean=True)
ZEROMQ_PORT = int(get_config(p, 'fireball_connection', 'zeromq_port', 'ANSIBLE_ZEROMQ_PORT', 5099))
ACCELERATE_PORT = int(get_config(p, 'accelerate', 'accelerate_port', 'ACCELERATE_PORT', 5099))
ZEROMQ_PORT = get_config(p, 'fireball_connection', 'zeromq_port', 'ANSIBLE_ZEROMQ_PORT', 5099, integer=True)
ACCELERATE_PORT = get_config(p, 'accelerate', 'accelerate_port', 'ACCELERATE_PORT', 5099, integer=True)
DEFAULT_UNDEFINED_VAR_BEHAVIOR = get_config(p, DEFAULTS, 'error_on_undefined_vars', 'ANSIBLE_ERROR_ON_UNDEFINED_VARS', True, boolean=True)
HOST_KEY_CHECKING = get_config(p, DEFAULTS, 'host_key_checking', 'ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING', True, boolean=True)
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