Commit d0a154c4 by Marc Abramowitz

Include more info when a task fails

Adds "playbook", "role", and "task" fields to the output when a task fails.

This makes it easier to pinpoint where the problem is, especially
when you have a lot of roles and playbooks.


    failed: [vagrant] => {..."playbook": "/Users/marca/dev/ansible/vagrant.yml",
                          ..."role": "pythonapp",
                          ..."task": "pip install -r /opt/src/{{ sm_app_role }}/requirements.txt"...}
parent 6000db7e
......@@ -487,6 +487,10 @@ class PlaybookRunnerCallbacks(DefaultRunnerCallbacks):
stdout = results2.pop('stdout', None)
returned_msg = results2.pop('msg', None)
results2['task'] =
results2['role'] = self.task.role_name
results2['playbook'] = self.playbook.filename
if item:
msg = "failed: [%s] => (item=%s) => %s" % (host, item, utils.jsonify(results2))
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