Commit ccbc99fe by James Cammarata

Fixed splitting of role/user name when username has a '.' in it

This may still be an issue if users create roles with a '.' in the name though.
We will probably have to disallow that in the role naming convention.
parent d8d11529
......@@ -241,7 +241,10 @@ def api_lookup_role_by_name(api_server, role_name):
role_name = urllib.quote(role_name)
user_name,role_name = role_name.split(".", 1)
parts = role_name.split(".")
user_name = ".".join(parts[0:-1])
role_name = parts[-1]
print " downloading role '%s', owned by %s" % (role_name, user_name)
print "Invalid role name (%s). You must specify username.rolename" % role_name
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