Commit c87586e9 by Brian Coca

updated formatting

parent 0f23d8a5
......@@ -454,20 +454,20 @@ Module checklist
* The shebang should always be #!/usr/bin/python, this allows ansible_python_interpreter to work
* Documentation: Make sure it exists
* `required` should always be present, be it true or false
* If `required` is false you need to document `default`, even if its 'null'
* `default` is not needed for `required: true`
* Remove unnecessary doc like `aliases: []` or `choices: []`
* The version is not a float number and value the current development version
* The verify that arguments in doc and module spec dict are identical
* For password / secret arguments no_log=True should be set
* Requirements should be documented, using the `requirements=[]` field
* Author should be set, name and github id at least
* Made use of U() for urls, C() for files and options, I() for params, M() for modules?
* GPL License header
* Examples: make sure they are reproducible
* Return: document the return structure of the module
* Does module use check_mode? Could it be modified to use it? Document it
* `required` should always be present, be it true or false
* If `required` is false you need to document `default`, even if its 'null'
* `default` is not needed for `required: true`
* Remove unnecessary doc like `aliases: []` or `choices: []`
* The version is not a float number and value the current development version
* The verify that arguments in doc and module spec dict are identical
* For password / secret arguments no_log=True should be set
* Requirements should be documented, using the `requirements=[]` field
* Author should be set, name and github id at least
* Made use of U() for urls, C() for files and options, I() for params, M() for modules?
* GPL License header
* Does module use check_mode? Could it be modified to use it? Document it
* Examples: make sure they are reproducible
* Return: document the return structure of the module
* Exceptions: The module must handle them. (exceptions are bugs)
* Give out useful messages on what you were doing and you can add the exception message to that.
* Avoid catchall exceptions, they are not very useful unless the underlying API gives very good error messages pertaining the attempted action.
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