Commit c7dde72a by James Cammarata

Default listify to converting bare variables again

Since we explicitly set convert_bare=False in the template lookup
code, but still want individual looks that call listify directly to
convert bare variables if needed.
parent ac66e400
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ from ansible.template.safe_eval import safe_eval
__all__ = ['listify_lookup_plugin_terms']
#FIXME: probably just move this into lookup plugin base class
def listify_lookup_plugin_terms(terms, templar, loader, fail_on_undefined=False, convert_bare=False):
def listify_lookup_plugin_terms(terms, templar, loader, fail_on_undefined=False, convert_bare=True):
if isinstance(terms, basestring):
stripped = terms.strip()
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