Commit c1c32c75 by kiri

add NoneType check.

parent 3722bebb
......@@ -300,10 +300,11 @@ def main():
elb_man = ElbManager(module, instance_id, ec2_elbs, aws_access_key,
aws_secret_key, region=region)
for elb in ec2_elbs:
if not elb_man.exists(elb):
msg="ELB %s does not exist" % elb
if ec2_elbs is not None:
for elb in ec2_elbs:
if not elb_man.exists(elb):
msg="ELB %s does not exist" % elb
if module.params['state'] == 'present':
elb_man.register(wait, enable_availability_zone)
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