Commit bef544dd by Jonathan Mainguy

Did my best to rebase. Now includes the latest changes made to devel, along with…

Did my best to rebase. Now includes the latest changes made to devel, along with my change of adding category option to module
parent 9190ddfc
......@@ -65,6 +65,12 @@ options:
default: "all"
choices: ["current", "all"]
version_added: "1.6"
- Install/Remove category instead of a single package.
required: false
choices: ["true", "false"]
version_added: "1.6"
......@@ -79,15 +85,20 @@ EXAMPLES = '''
# Ensure that a package is not installed.
- svr4pkg: name=SUNWgnome-sound-recorder state=absent
# Ensure that a category is not installed.
- svr4pkg: name=FIREFOX state=absent category=true
import os
import tempfile
def package_installed(module, name):
def package_installed(module, name, category):
cmd = [module.get_bin_path('pkginfo', True)]
if category:
rc, out, err = module.run_command(' '.join(cmd))
if rc == 0:
......@@ -124,7 +135,7 @@ def run_command(module, cmd):
cmd[0] = module.get_bin_path(progname, True)
return module.run_command(cmd)
def package_install(module, name, src, proxy, response_file, zone):
def package_install(module, name, src, proxy, response_file, zone, category):
adminfile = create_admin_file()
cmd = [ 'pkgadd', '-n']
if zone == 'current':
......@@ -134,6 +145,8 @@ def package_install(module, name, src, proxy, response_file, zone):
cmd += [ '-x', proxy ]
if response_file is not None:
cmd += [ '-r', response_file ]
if category:
cmd += [ '-Y' ]
(rc, out, err) = run_command(module, cmd)
......@@ -141,7 +154,10 @@ def package_install(module, name, src, proxy, response_file, zone):
def package_uninstall(module, name, src):
adminfile = create_admin_file()
cmd = [ 'pkgrm', '-na', adminfile, name]
if category:
cmd = [ 'pkgrm', '-na', adminfile, '-Y', name ]
cmd = [ 'pkgrm', '-na', adminfile, name]
(rc, out, err) = run_command(module, cmd)
return (rc, out, err)
......@@ -154,7 +170,8 @@ def main():
src = dict(default = None),
proxy = dict(default = None),
response_file = dict(default = None),
zone = dict(required=False, default = 'all', choices=['current','all'])
zone = dict(required=False, default = 'all', choices=['current','all']),
category = dict(default=False, type='bool')
......@@ -164,6 +181,7 @@ def main():
proxy = module.params['proxy']
response_file = module.params['response_file']
zone = module.params['zone']
category = module.params['category']
rc = None
out = ''
err = ''
......@@ -175,20 +193,20 @@ def main():
if src is None:
msg="src is required when state=present")
if not package_installed(module, name):
if not package_installed(module, name, category):
if module.check_mode:
(rc, out, err) = package_install(module, name, src, proxy, response_file, zone)
(rc, out, err) = package_install(module, name, src, proxy, response_file, zone, category)
# Stdout is normally empty but for some packages can be
# very long and is not often useful
if len(out) > 75:
out = out[:75] + '...'
elif state == 'absent':
if package_installed(module, name):
if package_installed(module, name, category):
if module.check_mode:
(rc, out, err) = package_uninstall(module, name, src)
(rc, out, err) = package_uninstall(module, name, src, category)
out = out[:75]
if rc is None:
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