Commit bbf212a2 by Michael DeHaan

Simplify the way the debug: var=varname plugin works.

parent a078184a
......@@ -49,9 +49,11 @@ class ActionModule(object):
result = dict(msg=args['msg'])
elif 'var' in args:
results = utils.safe_eval(args['var'], inject, include_exceptions=True, template_call=True)
results = utils.safe_eval(args['var'], inject, include_exceptions=True)
intermediate = results[0]
exception = results[1]
print exception
if exception is not None:
intermediate = "failed to evaluate: %s" % str(exception)
result[args['var']] = intermediate
......@@ -899,7 +899,7 @@ def is_list_of_strings(items):
return False
return True
def safe_eval(str, locals=None, include_exceptions=False, template_call=False):
def safe_eval(str, locals=None, include_exceptions=False):
this is intended for allowing things like:
with_items: a_list_variable
......@@ -909,10 +909,6 @@ def safe_eval(str, locals=None, include_exceptions=False, template_call=False):
# FIXME: is there a more native way to do this?
if template_call:
# for the debug module in Ansible, allow debug of the form versus Python dictionary form
str = template.template(None, "{{ %s }}" % str, locals)
def is_set(var):
return not var.startswith("$") and not '{{' in var
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