Commit baffa8df by Michael DeHaan

These fields are booleans.

parent 633abca9
......@@ -48,12 +48,10 @@ def load_callback_plugins():
callback_plugins = [x for x in utils.plugins.callback_loader.all()]
def get_cowsay_info():
if constants.ANSIBLE_NOCOWS is not None:
if constants.ANSIBLE_NOCOWS:
return (None, None)
cowsay = None
if os.getenv("ANSIBLE_NOCOWS") is not None:
cowsay = None
elif os.path.exists("/usr/bin/cowsay"):
if os.path.exists("/usr/bin/cowsay"):
cowsay = "/usr/bin/cowsay"
elif os.path.exists("/usr/games/cowsay"):
cowsay = "/usr/games/cowsay"
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ import sys
import constants
if constants.ANSIBLE_NOCOLOR is not None:
if constants.ANSIBLE_NOCOLOR:
elif not hasattr(sys.stdout, 'isatty') or not sys.stdout.isatty():
......@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ import ConfigParser
# copied from utils, avoid circular reference fun :)
def mk_boolean(value):
if value is None:
return False
val = str(value)
if val.lower() in [ "true", "t", "y", "1", "yes" ]:
return True
......@@ -125,8 +127,8 @@ DEFAULT_VARS_PLUGIN_PATH = get_config(p, DEFAULTS, 'vars_plugins', '
DEFAULT_FILTER_PLUGIN_PATH = get_config(p, DEFAULTS, 'filter_plugins', 'ANSIBLE_FILTER_PLUGINS', '/usr/share/ansible_plugins/filter_plugins')
DEFAULT_LOG_PATH = shell_expand_path(get_config(p, DEFAULTS, 'log_path', 'ANSIBLE_LOG_PATH', ''))
ANSIBLE_NOCOLOR = get_config(p, DEFAULTS, 'nocolor', 'ANSIBLE_NOCOLOR', None)
ANSIBLE_NOCOWS = get_config(p, DEFAULTS, 'nocows', 'ANSIBLE_NOCOWS', None)
ANSIBLE_NOCOLOR = get_config(p, DEFAULTS, 'nocolor', 'ANSIBLE_NOCOLOR', None, boolean=True)
ANSIBLE_NOCOWS = get_config(p, DEFAULTS, 'nocows', 'ANSIBLE_NOCOWS', None, boolean=True)
ANSIBLE_SSH_ARGS = get_config(p, 'ssh_connection', 'ssh_args', 'ANSIBLE_SSH_ARGS', None)
PARAMIKO_RECORD_HOST_KEYS = get_config(p, 'paramiko_connection', 'record_host_keys', 'ANSIBLE_PARAMIKO_RECORD_HOST_KEYS', True, boolean=True)
ZEROMQ_PORT = int(get_config(p, 'fireball_connection', 'zeromq_port', 'ANSIBLE_ZEROMQ_PORT', 5099))
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