Commit b49cb2e5 by lichesser

Partial fix for #4565. Works only for Debian 7 and later

parent 1119eceb
......@@ -118,7 +118,8 @@ class Facts(object):
'/etc/alpine-release': 'Alpine',
'/etc/release': 'Solaris',
'/etc/arch-release': 'Archlinux',
'/etc/SuSE-release': 'SuSE' }
'/etc/SuSE-release': 'SuSE',
'/etc/os-release': 'Debian' }
SELINUX_MODE_DICT = { 1: 'enforcing', 0: 'permissive', -1: 'disabled' }
# A list of dicts. If there is a platform with more than one
......@@ -328,6 +329,11 @@ class Facts(object):
elif name == 'SuSE':
data = get_file_content(path).splitlines()
self.facts['distribution_release'] = data[2].split('=')[1].strip()
elif name == 'Debian':
data = get_file_content(path).split('\n')[0]
release ="PRETTY_NAME.+ \(?([^ ]+?)\)?\"", data)
if release:
self.facts['distribution_release'] = release.groups()[0]
self.facts['distribution'] = name
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