Commit b07ab419 by James Cammarata

Fix directory loading of host/group vars in v2

parent 4d9bf37a
......@@ -236,7 +236,27 @@ class VariableManager:
basename of the file without the extension
data = loader.load_from_file(path)
if os.path.isdir(path):
data = dict()
names = os.listdir(path)
except os.error, err:
raise AnsibleError("This folder cannot be listed: %s: %s." % (path, err.strerror))
# evaluate files in a stable order rather than whatever
# order the filesystem lists them.
# do not parse hidden files or dirs, e.g. .svn/
paths = [os.path.join(path, name) for name in names if not name.startswith('.')]
for p in paths:
_found, results = self._load_inventory_file(path=p, loader=loader)
data = self._combine_vars(data, results)
data = loader.load_from_file(path)
name = self._get_inventory_basename(path)
return (name, data)
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