Commit b068155a by Chris Church

Merge pull request #8833 from…

Merge pull request #8833 from jhawkesworth/win_facts_powershell_version_and_winrm_cert_expiry_revised

Revised additions to windows facts
parents 69e79995 e4b80dd4
......@@ -66,4 +66,13 @@ $ips = @()
Foreach ($ip in $netcfg.IPAddress) { If ($ip) { $ips += $ip } }
Set-Attr $result.ansible_facts "ansible_ip_addresses" $ips
$psversion = $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major
$winrm_cert_expiry = Get-ChildItem -Path Cert:\LocalMachine\My | where Subject -EQ "CN=$env:COMPUTERNAME" | select NotAfter
Set-Attr $result.ansible_facts "ansible_powershell_version" $psversion
if ($winrm_cert_expiry)
Set-Attr $result.ansible_facts "ansible_winrm_certificate_expires" $winrm_cert_expiry.NotAfter.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
Exit-Json $result;
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