Commit aee940aa by James Cammarata

Reworking _clean_data() to be smarter about replaces

Fixes #8228
parent 6e814566
......@@ -350,16 +350,69 @@ def json_loads(data):
return json.loads(data)
def _clean_data(orig_data, from_remote=False, from_inventory=False):
''' remove template tags from a string '''
data = orig_data
if isinstance(orig_data, basestring):
sub_list = [('{%','{#'), ('%}','#}')]
if from_remote or (from_inventory and '{{' in data and
# if from a remote, we completely disable any jinja2 blocks
sub_list.extend([('{{','{#'), ('}}','#}')])
for pattern,replacement in sub_list:
data = data.replace(pattern, replacement)
return data
''' remove jinja2 template tags from a string '''
if not isinstance(orig_data, basestring):
return orig_data
data = StringIO.StringIO("")
# when the data is marked as having come from a remote, we always
# replace any print blocks (ie. {{var}}), however when marked as coming
# from inventory we only replace print blocks that contain a call to
# a lookup plugin (ie. {{lookup('foo','bar'))}})
replace_prints = from_remote or (from_inventory and '{{' in orig_data and is not None)
# these variables keep track of opening block locations, as we only
# want to replace matched pairs of print/block tags
print_openings = []
block_openings = []
for idx,c in enumerate(orig_data):
# if the current character is an opening brace, check to
# see if this is a jinja2 token. Otherwise, if the current
# character is a closing brace, we backup one character to
# see if we have a closing.
if c == '{' and idx < len(orig_data) - 1:
token = orig_data[idx:idx+2]
# if so, and we want to replace this block, push
# this token's location onto the appropriate array
if token == '{{' and replace_prints:
elif token == '{%':
# finally we write the data to the buffer and write, os.SEEK_END)
elif c == '}' and idx > 0:
token = orig_data[idx-1:idx+1]
prev_idx = -1
if token == '%}' and len(block_openings) > 0:
prev_idx = block_openings.pop()
elif token == '}}' and len(print_openings) > 0:
prev_idx = print_openings.pop()
# if we have a closing token, and we have previously found
# the opening to the same kind of block represented by this
# token, replace both occurrences, otherwise we just write
# the current character to the buffer
if prev_idx != -1:
# replace the opening, os.SEEK_SET)
# replace the closing, os.SEEK_END)
else:, os.SEEK_END)
# not a jinja2 token, so we just write the current char
# to the output buffer, os.SEEK_END)
return_data = data.getvalue()
return return_data
def _clean_data_struct(orig_data, from_remote=False, from_inventory=False):
......@@ -716,4 +716,35 @@ class TestUtils(unittest.TestCase):
# invalid jinja2 nesting detection
# invalid quote nesting detection
def test_clean_data(self):
# clean data removes jinja2 tags from data
ansible.utils._clean_data('this is a normal string', from_remote=True),
'this is a normal string'
ansible.utils._clean_data('this string has a {{variable}}', from_remote=True),
'this string has a {#variable#}'
ansible.utils._clean_data('this string has a {{variable with a\nnewline}}', from_remote=True),
'this string has a {#variable with a\nnewline#}'
ansible.utils._clean_data('this string is from inventory {{variable}}', from_inventory=True),
'this string is from inventory {{variable}}'
ansible.utils._clean_data('this string is from inventory too but uses lookup {{lookup("foo","bar")}}', from_inventory=True),
'this string is from inventory too but uses lookup {#lookup("foo","bar")#}'
ansible.utils._clean_data('this string has JSON in it: {"foo":{"bar":{"baz":"oops"}}}', from_remote=True),
'this string has JSON in it: {"foo":{"bar":{"baz":"oops"}}}'
ansible.utils._clean_data('this string contains unicode: ¢ £ ¤ ¥', from_remote=True),
'this string contains unicode: ¢ £ ¤ ¥'
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