Commit ad9e2939 by Mark Theunissen

Fix parameter names

parent 151a9b38
......@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ Example privileges string format:
Example action from Ansible :doc:`playbooks`::
- name: Create database user
action: mysql_user name=bob passwd=12345 priv=*.*:ALL state=present
action: mysql_user name=bob password=12345 priv=*.*:ALL state=present
- name: Ensure no user named 'sally' exists, also passing in the auth credentials.
action: mysql_user login_user=root login_password=123456 name=sally state=absent
......@@ -42,6 +42,6 @@ Creates user accounts, manipulates existing user accounts, and removes user acco
Example action from Ansible :doc:`playbooks`::
user name=mdehaan comment=awesome passwd=awWxVV.JvmdHw createhome=yes
user name=mdehaan comment=awesome password=awWxVV.JvmdHw createhome=yes
user name=mdehaan groups=wheel,skynet
user name=mdehaan state=absent force=yes
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