Commit a78fdde3 by Brian Coca

better handling for weird doc corner cases (abscense of options, bad text objects, etc)

also updated extras to get some docfixes on the module side
parent 0d7d22d5
......@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader
from ansible.utils import module_docs
from ansible.utils.vars import merge_hash
from ansible.errors import AnsibleError
# constants and paths
......@@ -67,11 +68,14 @@ NOTCORE = " (E)"
def rst_ify(text):
''' convert symbols like I(this is in italics) to valid restructured text '''
t = _ITALIC.sub(r'*' + r"\1" + r"*", text)
t = _BOLD.sub(r'**' + r"\1" + r"**", t)
t = _MODULE.sub(r':ref:`' + r"\1 <\1>" + r"`", t)
t = _URL.sub(r"\1", t)
t = _CONST.sub(r'``' + r"\1" + r"``", t)
t = _ITALIC.sub(r'*' + r"\1" + r"*", text)
t = _BOLD.sub(r'**' + r"\1" + r"**", t)
t = _MODULE.sub(r':ref:`' + r"\1 <\1>" + r"`", t)
t = _URL.sub(r"\1", t)
t = _CONST.sub(r'``' + r"\1" + r"``", t)
except Exception as e:
raise AnsibleError("Could not process (%s) : %s" % (str(text), str(e)))
return t
......@@ -286,7 +290,7 @@ def process_module(module, options, env, template, outputname, module_map, alias
if too_old(added):
del doc['version_added']
if 'options' in doc:
if 'options' in doc and doc['options']:
for (k,v) in doc['options'].iteritems():
# don't show version added information if it's too old to be called out
if 'version_added' in doc['options'][k] and too_old(doc['options'][k]['version_added']):
......@@ -308,7 +312,12 @@ def process_module(module, options, env, template, outputname, module_map, alias
# here is where we build the table of contents...
text = template.render(doc)
import q
text = template.render(doc)
except Exception as e:
raise AnsibleError("Failed to render doc for %s: %s" % (fname, str(e)))
write_data(text, options, outputname, module)
return doc['short_description']
......@@ -326,7 +335,7 @@ def print_modules(module, category_file, deprecated, core, options, env, templat
result = process_module(modname, options, env, template, outputname, module_map, aliases)
if result != "SKIPPED":
category_file.write(" %s - %s <%s_module>\n" % (modstring, result, module))
category_file.write(" %s - %s <%s_module>\n" % (modstring, rst_ify(result), module))
def process_category(category, categories, options, env, template, outputname):
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Subproject commit e30d8b84fe7ff3be427a46ff67629cce55252594
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