Commit a7595a69 by Lester Wade

Fixed cloudformation docs and updated EXAMPLES section in the docs for these AWS modules.

parent 4a4958f6
......@@ -67,12 +67,15 @@ options:
default: "yes"
choices: [ "yes", "no" ]
aliases: []
requirements: [ "boto" ]
author: James S. Martin
# Basic task example
- name: launch ansible cloudformation example
cloudformation: >
action: cloudformation >
stack_name="ansible-cloudformation" state=present
region=us-east-1 disable_rollback=yes
......@@ -82,9 +85,6 @@ examples:
DiskType: ephemeral
InstanceType: m1.small
ClusterSize: 3
requirements: [ "boto" ]
author: James S. Martin
import boto.cloudformation.connection
......@@ -52,22 +52,34 @@ options:
required: false
default: null
aliases: []
- code: 'local_action: ec2_vol instance=XXXXXX volume_size=5 device_name=sdd'
description: "Simple playbook example"
- code: |
- name: Launch instances
local_action: ec2 keypair=$keypair image=$image wait=yes count=3
register: ec2
- name: Create volumes and attach
local_action: ec2_vol instance=${} volume_size=5
with_items: ${ec2.instances}
register: ec2_vol
description: "Advanced - attaching multiple volumes to multiple instances"
requirements: [ "boto" ]
author: Lester Wade
# Simple attachment action
module: ec2_vol
instance: XXXXXX
volume_size: 5
device_name: sdd
# Playbook example combined with instance launch
module: ec2
keypair: $keypair
image: $image
wait: yes
count: 3
register: ec2
module: ec2_vol
instance: ${}
volume_size: 5
with_items: ${ec2.instances}
register: ec2_vol
# Note: this module needs to be made idempotent. Possible solution is to use resource tags with the volumes.
# if state=present and it doesn't exist, create, tag and attach.
# Check for state by looking for volume attachment with tag (and against block device mapping?).
......@@ -51,15 +51,24 @@ options:
required: false
default: false
version_added: "1.2"
- code: 's3 bucket=mybucket path=/path/to/file state=present'
description: "Simple playbook example"
- code: 's3 bucket=mybucket path=/path/to/file state=present overwrite=yes'
description: "Will overwrite only if remote and local checksums do not match. Does not support files uploaded to s3 with multipart upload."
requirements: [ "boto" ]
author: Lester Wade
# Simple PUT operation
module: s3
bucket: mybucket
path: /path/to/file
state: present
# Force and overwrite if checksums don't match
module: s3
bucket: mybucket
path: /path/to/file
state: present
overwrite: yes
import sys
import os
import urlparse
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