Ansible is written for Python 2.6. If you are running Python 2.5 on an "Enterprise Linux" variant,
your distribution can easily install 2.6 (see instructions in the next section). Newer versions
of Linux and OS X should already have 2.6.
Ansible is written for Python 2.6+. If you are running Python 2.5 on an "Enterprise Linux" variant, we'll show you how to add
2.6. Newer versions of Linux and OS X should already have 2.6 or higher.
In additon to Python 2.6, you will want the following Python modules (installed via pip or perhaps via your OS package manager via slightly different names):
In additon to Python 2.6+, you will want the following Python modules (installed via pip or perhaps via your OS package manager via slightly different names):
* ``paramiko``
* ``PyYAML``
* ``jinja2``
If you are using RHEL or CentOS 5 , python is version 2.4 by default, but you can get python 2.6 installed easily. `Use EPEL <>`_ and install these dependencies as follows: