Commit a57b6ccf by Jon Hawkesworth

This change selects the certificate from the winrm configuration and attempts to…

This change selects the certificate from the winrm configuration and attempts to find the expiry date from that.
Trond Hindenes pointed out that simply picking the first certificate from local computer certs is not guaranteed to select the correct certificate.
parent dac11904
...@@ -67,9 +67,31 @@ Foreach ($ip in $netcfg.IPAddress) { If ($ip) { $ips += $ip } } ...@@ -67,9 +67,31 @@ Foreach ($ip in $netcfg.IPAddress) { If ($ip) { $ips += $ip } }
Set-Attr $result.ansible_facts "ansible_ip_addresses" $ips Set-Attr $result.ansible_facts "ansible_ip_addresses" $ips
$psversion = $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major $psversion = $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major
$winrm_cert_expiry = Get-ChildItem -Path Cert:\LocalMachine\My | where Subject -EQ "CN=$env:COMPUTERNAME" | select NotAfter
Set-Attr $result.ansible_facts "ansible_powershell_version" $psversion Set-Attr $result.ansible_facts "ansible_powershell_version" $psversion
$winrm_https_listener_parent_path = Get-ChildItem -Path WSMan:\localhost\Listener -Recurse | Where-Object {$_.PSChildName -eq "Transport" -and $_.Value -eq "HTTPS"} | select PSParentPath
if ($winrm_https_listener_parent_path ) {
$winrm_https_listener_path = $winrm_https_listener_parent_path.PSParentPath.Substring($winrm_https_listener_parent_path.PSParentPath.LastIndexOf("\"))
if ($winrm_https_listener_path)
$https_listener = Get-ChildItem -Path "WSMan:\localhost\Listener$winrm_https_listener_path"
if ($https_listener)
$winrm_cert_thumbprint = $https_listener | where {$_.Name -EQ "CertificateThumbprint" } | select Value
if ($winrm_cert_thumbprint)
$uppercase_cert_thumbprint = $winrm_cert_thumbprint.Value.ToString().ToUpper()
$winrm_cert_expiry = Get-ChildItem -Path Cert:\LocalMachine\My | where Thumbprint -EQ $uppercase_cert_thumbprint | select NotAfter
if ($winrm_cert_expiry) if ($winrm_cert_expiry)
{ {
Set-Attr $result.ansible_facts "ansible_winrm_certificate_expires" $winrm_cert_expiry.NotAfter.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") Set-Attr $result.ansible_facts "ansible_winrm_certificate_expires" $winrm_cert_expiry.NotAfter.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
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