Commit a45bfbe0 by aresch

Fix rpm_key on system with no gpg keys imported

Without the -a option, rpm command will fail (exit code 1) and execute_command() will fail causing an initial key import to not work.

[root@test ~]# rpm -q gpg-pubkey
package gpg-pubkey is not installed
[root@test ~]# echo $?
[root@test ~]# rpm -qa gpg-pubkey
[root@test ~]# echo $?
parent 4d80019a
......@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ class RpmKey:
return stdout, stderr
def is_key_imported(self, keyid):
stdout, stderr = self.execute_command([self.rpm, '-q', 'gpg-pubkey'])
stdout, stderr = self.execute_command([self.rpm, '-qa', 'gpg-pubkey'])
for line in stdout.splitlines():
line = line.strip()
if not line:
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