Commit 9fdd7a83 by Matthew Williams

improvements to apt module: state=latest, update-cache=yes|no, purge=yes|no

parent 5764ccdb
......@@ -28,7 +28,8 @@ import shlex
import subprocess
import traceback
APT = "/usr/bin/apt-get"
APT_PATH = "/usr/bin/apt-get"
def debug(msg):
# ansible ignores stderr, so it's safe to use for debug
......@@ -44,7 +45,6 @@ def fail_json(**kwargs):
exit_json(rc=1, **kwargs)
def run_apt(command):
cmd = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True,
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
......@@ -57,65 +57,44 @@ def run_apt(command):
rc = 1
err = traceback.format_exc()
out = ''
if out is None:
out = ''
if err is None:
err = ''
rc = cmd.returncode
return rc, out, err
def get_cache():
# TODO: Only update the cache if it's old.
cache = apt.Cache()
return cache
return rc, out, err
def package_installed(pkgspec):
cache = get_cache()
def package_status(pkgspec, cache):
pkg = cache[pkgspec]
fail_json(msg="No package matching '%s' is available" % pkgspec)
return bool(pkg.is_installed)
return (pkg.is_installed, pkg.is_upgradable)
def install(pkgspec):
installed = package_installed(pkgspec)
debug("installed: %d" % installed)
if installed:
def install(pkgspec, cache, upgrade=False):
(installed, upgradable) = package_status(pkgspec, cache)
if installed or not upgrade or not upgradable:
return False
cmd = "%s -q -y install '%s'" % (APT, pkgspec)
rc, out, err = run_apt(cmd)
# TODO: Ensure the package was really installed.
if rc:
json_fail(msg="'apt-get install %s' failed: %s" % (pkgspec, err))
return True
def remove(pkgspec):
installed = package_installed(pkgspec)
debug("installed: %d" % installed)
def remove(pkgspec, cache, purge=False):
(installed, upgradable) = package_status(pkgspec, cache)
if not installed:
return False
cmd = "%s -q -y remove '%s'" % (APT, pkgspec)
purge = '--purge' if purge else ''
cmd = "%s -q -y %s remove '%s'" % (APT, purge, pkgspec)
rc, out, err = run_apt(cmd)
# TODO: Ensure the package was really removed.
if rc:
json_fail(msg="'apt-get remove %s' failed: %s" % (pkgspec, err))
return True
def update(args):
# TODO: generic update routine
def remove_only(pkgspec):
# TODO: remove this pkg and only this pkg - fail if it will require more to remove
# ===========================================
if not os.path.exists(APT):
if not os.path.exists(APT_PATH):
fail_json(msg="Cannot find apt-get")
argfile = sys.argv[1]
......@@ -131,18 +110,31 @@ for x in items:
(k, v) = x.split("=")
params[k] = v
state = params.get('state','installed')
package = params.get('pkg', None)
state = params.get('state','installed')
package = params.get('pkg', None)
update_cache = params.get('update-cache', 'no')
purge = params.get('purge', 'no')
if state not in ['installed', 'removed']:
if state not in ['installed', 'latest', 'removed']:
fail_json(msg='invalid state')
if package is None:
fail_json(msg='pkg is required')
if update_cache not in ['yes', 'no']:
fail_json(msg='invalid value for update_cache (requires yes or no -- default is no')
if purge not in ['yes', 'no']:
fail_json(msg='invalid value for purge (requires yes or no -- default is no)')
if package is None and update-cache != 'yes':
fail_json(msg='pkg=name and/or update-cache=yes is required')
cache = apt.Cache()
if update_cache == 'yes':
if state == 'latest':
changed = install(package, cache, upgrade=True)
if state == 'installed':
changed = install(package)
changed = install(package, cache)
elif state == 'removed':
changed = remove(package)
changed = remove(package, cache, purge == 'yes')
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