Commit 9ef7168a by Michael DeHaan

Merge pull request #596 from davehatton/output_format_fixes

format fixes to output from fetch
parents b542dd84 c3205595
......@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ class PlaybookRunnerCallbacks(DefaultRunnerCallbacks):
def on_failed(self, host, results):
print "failed: [%s] => %s\n" % (host, utils.jsonify(results))
print "failed: [%s] => %s" % (host, utils.jsonify(results))
def on_ok(self, host, host_result):
......@@ -264,11 +264,11 @@ class PlaybookRunnerCallbacks(DefaultRunnerCallbacks):
def on_error(self, host, err):
print >>sys.stderr, "err: [%s] => %s\n" % (host, err)
print >>sys.stderr, "err: [%s] => %s" % (host, err)
def on_skipped(self, host):
print "skipping: [%s]\n" % host
print "skipping: [%s]" % host
def on_no_hosts(self):
......@@ -422,7 +422,7 @@ class Runner(object):
remote_md5 = self._remote_md5(conn, tmp, source)
if remote_md5 == '0':
result = dict(msg="missing remote file: %s" % source, changed=False)
result = dict(msg="missing remote file", file=source, changed=False)
return ReturnData(, result=result)
elif remote_md5 != local_md5:
# create the containing directories, if needed
......@@ -433,12 +433,12 @@ class Runner(object):
conn.fetch_file(source, dest)
new_md5 = utils.md5(dest)
if new_md5 != remote_md5:
result = dict(failed=True, msg="md5 mismatch", md5sum=new_md5)
result = dict(failed=True, md5sum=new_md5, msg="md5 mismatch", file=source)
return ReturnData(, result=result)
result = dict(changed=True, md5sum=new_md5)
return ReturnData(, result=result)
result = dict(changed=False, md5sum=local_md5)
result = dict(changed=False, md5sum=local_md5, file=source)
return ReturnData(, result=result)
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