Commit 9dfc4209 by Patrik Lundin

openbsd_pkg: Add check_mode support.

The biggest change has been to package_latest since it was previously
just comparing version numbers before and after an upgrade had run.
We now parse the output from a dry run instead.

Thanks to Johan Belin for triggering the discussion :).
parent 0bd5fe99
......@@ -98,16 +98,26 @@ def get_package_state(name, specific_version):
return False
# Function used to make sure a package is present.
def package_present(name, installed_state):
install_cmd = 'pkg_add -I'
def package_present(name, installed_state, module):
if module.check_mode:
install_cmd = 'pkg_add -In'
install_cmd = 'pkg_add -I'
if installed_state is False:
rc, stdout, stderr = execute_command("%s %s" % (install_cmd, name), syslogging)
# Attempt to install the package
(rc, stdout, stderr) = execute_command("%s %s" % (install_cmd, name), syslogging)
# pkg_add returns 0 even if the package does not exist
# so depend on stderr instead if something bad happened.
if stderr:
rc = 1
if module.check_mode:
rc = 0
......@@ -118,47 +128,65 @@ def package_present(name, installed_state):
return (rc, stdout, stderr, changed)
# Function used to make sure a package is the latest available version.
def package_latest(name, installed_state, specific_version):
def package_latest(name, installed_state, specific_version, module):
if module.check_mode:
upgrade_cmd = 'pkg_add -umn'
upgrade_cmd = 'pkg_add -um'
upgrade_cmd = 'pkg_add -u'
pre_upgrade_name = ''
post_upgrade_name = ''
if installed_state is True:
# pkg_add -u exits 0 even if no update was needed, so compare the
# installed package before and after to know if we changed anything.
# Fetch name of currently installed package
pre_upgrade_name = get_current_name(name, specific_version)
# Attempt to upgrade the package
(rc, stdout, stderr) = execute_command("%s %s" % (upgrade_cmd, name), syslogging)
# 'pkg_add -u' returns 0 even when something strange happened, stdout
# should be empty if everything went fine.
if stdout:
post_upgrade_name = get_current_name(name, specific_version)
# Look for output looking something like "nmap-6.01->6.25: ok" to see if
# something changed (or would have changed). Use \W to delimit the match
# from progress meter output.
match ="\W%s->.+: ok\W" % pre_upgrade_name, stdout)
if match:
if module.check_mode:
if pre_upgrade_name == post_upgrade_name:
changed = False
changed = True
changed = False
# 'pkg_add -u' returns 0 even when something strange happened, stderr
# should be empty if everything went fine.
if stderr:
return (rc, stdout, stderr, changed)
# If package was not installed at all just make it present.
return package_present(name, installed_state)
return package_present(name, installed_state, module)
# Function used to make sure a package is not installed.
def package_absent(name, installed_state):
remove_cmd = 'pkg_delete -I'
def package_absent(name, installed_state, module):
if module.check_mode:
remove_cmd = 'pkg_delete -In'
remove_cmd = 'pkg_delete -I'
if installed_state is True:
# Attempt to remove the package
rc, stdout, stderr = execute_command("%s %s" % (remove_cmd, name), syslogging)
if rc == 0:
if module.check_mode:
rc = 0
stdout = ''
......@@ -175,7 +203,8 @@ def main():
argument_spec = dict(
name = dict(required=True),
state = dict(required=True, choices=['absent', 'installed', 'latest', 'present', 'removed']),
supports_check_mode = True
name = module.params['name']
......@@ -201,11 +230,11 @@ def main():
# Perform requested action
if state in ['installed', 'present']:
(rc, stdout, stderr, changed) = package_present(name, installed_state)
(rc, stdout, stderr, changed) = package_present(name, installed_state, module)
elif state in ['absent', 'removed']:
(rc, stdout, stderr, changed) = package_absent(name, installed_state)
(rc, stdout, stderr, changed) = package_absent(name, installed_state, module)
elif state == 'latest':
(rc, stdout, stderr, changed) = package_latest(name, installed_state, specific_version)
(rc, stdout, stderr, changed) = package_latest(name, installed_state, specific_version, module)
if rc != 0:
if stderr:
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