Commit 98a43311 by Michael DeHaan

Merge pull request #2999 from ngrilly/python

parents 5fdca267 7aee5889
......@@ -62,18 +62,18 @@ class Inventory(object):
self._also_restriction = None
self._subset = None
if type(host_list) in [ str, unicode ]:
if host_list.find(",") != -1:
if isinstance(host_list, basestring):
if "," in host_list:
host_list = host_list.split(",")
host_list = [ h for h in host_list if h and h.strip() ]
if type(host_list) == list:
if isinstance(host_list, list):
self.parser = None
all = Group('all')
self.groups = [ all ]
for x in host_list:
if x.find(":") != -1:
tokens = x.split(":",1)
if ":" in x:
tokens = x.split(":", 1)
all.add_host(Host(tokens[0], tokens[1]))
......@@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ class Inventory(object):
to exclude failed hosts in main playbook code, don't use this for other
if type(restriction) != list:
if not isinstance(restriction, list):
restriction = [ restriction ]
self._restriction = restriction
......@@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ class Inventory(object):
Works like restict_to but offers an additional restriction. Playbooks use this
to implement serial behavior.
if type(restriction) != list:
if not isinstance(restriction, list):
restriction = [ restriction ]
self._also_restriction = restriction
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