Commit 97c2b2ec by James Cammarata

Merge pull request #12636 from bcoca/galaxy

parents a3ed9fc1 6f88f79d
......@@ -512,3 +512,16 @@ class CLI(object):
return vault_pass
def get_opt(self, k, defval=""):
Returns an option from an Optparse values instance.
data = getattr(self.options, k)
return defval
if k == "roles_path":
if os.pathsep in data:
data = data.split(os.pathsep)[0]
return data
......@@ -21,19 +21,14 @@ __metaclass__ = type
from six import iteritems, string_types
import inspect
import os
from hashlib import sha1
from ansible.errors import AnsibleError, AnsibleParserError
from ansible.parsing import DataLoader
from ansible.playbook.attribute import FieldAttribute
from ansible.playbook.base import Base
from ansible.playbook.become import Become
from ansible.playbook.conditional import Conditional
from ansible.playbook.helpers import load_list_of_blocks
from ansible.playbook.role.include import RoleInclude
from ansible.playbook.role.metadata import RoleMetadata
from ansible.playbook.taggable import Taggable
from ansible.plugins import get_all_plugin_loaders
......@@ -19,11 +19,14 @@
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
from six import iteritems, string_types
from six import string_types
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
import tempfile
from ansible.errors import AnsibleError, AnsibleParserError
from ansible.errors import AnsibleError
from ansible.playbook.role.definition import RoleDefinition
__all__ = ['RoleRequirement']
......@@ -73,7 +76,7 @@ class RoleRequirement(RoleDefinition):
def _preprocess_role_spec(self, ds):
if 'role' in ds:
# Old style: {role: "galaxy.role,version,name", other_vars: "here" }
role_info = role_spec_parse(ds['role'])
role_info = RoleRequirement.role_spec_parse(ds['role'])
if isinstance(role_info, dict):
# Warning: Slight change in behaviour here. name may be being
# overloaded. Previously, name was only a parameter to the role.
......@@ -96,7 +99,7 @@ class RoleRequirement(RoleDefinition):
ds["role"] = ds["name"]
del ds["name"]
ds["role"] = repo_url_to_role_name(ds["src"])
ds["role"] = RoleRequirement.repo_url_to_role_name(ds["src"])
# set some values to a default value, if none were specified
ds.setdefault('version', '')
......@@ -104,102 +107,137 @@ class RoleRequirement(RoleDefinition):
return ds
def repo_url_to_role_name(repo_url):
# gets the role name out of a repo like
#" => "repo"
if '://' not in repo_url and '@' not in repo_url:
return repo_url
trailing_path = repo_url.split('/')[-1]
if trailing_path.endswith('.git'):
trailing_path = trailing_path[:-4]
if trailing_path.endswith('.tar.gz'):
trailing_path = trailing_path[:-7]
if ',' in trailing_path:
trailing_path = trailing_path.split(',')[0]
return trailing_path
def role_spec_parse(role_spec):
# takes a repo and a version like
# git+,v1.0
# and returns a list of properties such as:
# {
# 'scm': 'git',
# 'src': '',
# 'version': 'v1.0',
# 'name': 'repo'
# }
default_role_versions = dict(git='master', hg='tip')
role_spec = role_spec.strip()
role_version = ''
if role_spec == "" or role_spec.startswith("#"):
return (None, None, None, None)
tokens = [s.strip() for s in role_spec.split(',')]
# assume URLs are git+https:// URLs and not
# tarballs unless they end in '.zip'
if '' in tokens[0] and not tokens[0].startswith("git+") and not tokens[0].endswith('.tar.gz'):
tokens[0] = 'git+' + tokens[0]
if '+' in tokens[0]:
(scm, role_url) = tokens[0].split('+')
scm = None
role_url = tokens[0]
if len(tokens) >= 2:
role_version = tokens[1]
if len(tokens) == 3:
role_name = tokens[2]
role_name = repo_url_to_role_name(tokens[0])
if scm and not role_version:
role_version = default_role_versions.get(scm, '')
return dict(scm=scm, src=role_url, version=role_version, role_name=role_name)
# FIXME: all of these methods need to be cleaned up/reorganized below this
def get_opt(options, k, defval=""):
Returns an option from an Optparse values instance.
data = getattr(options, k)
return defval
if k == "roles_path":
if os.pathsep in data:
data = data.split(os.pathsep)[0]
return data
def get_role_path(role_name, options):
Returns the role path based on the roles_path option
and the role name.
roles_path = get_opt(options,'roles_path')
roles_path = os.path.join(roles_path, role_name)
roles_path = os.path.expanduser(roles_path)
return roles_path
def repo_url_to_role_name(repo_url):
# gets the role name out of a repo like
#" => "repo"
if '://' not in repo_url and '@' not in repo_url:
return repo_url
trailing_path = repo_url.split('/')[-1]
if trailing_path.endswith('.git'):
trailing_path = trailing_path[:-4]
if trailing_path.endswith('.tar.gz'):
trailing_path = trailing_path[:-7]
if ',' in trailing_path:
trailing_path = trailing_path.split(',')[0]
return trailing_path
def role_spec_parse(role_spec):
# takes a repo and a version like
# git+,v1.0
# and returns a list of properties such as:
# {
# 'scm': 'git',
# 'src': '',
# 'version': 'v1.0',
# 'name': 'repo'
# }
default_role_versions = dict(git='master', hg='tip')
role_spec = role_spec.strip()
role_version = ''
if role_spec == "" or role_spec.startswith("#"):
return (None, None, None, None)
tokens = [s.strip() for s in role_spec.split(',')]
# assume URLs are git+https:// URLs and not
# tarballs unless they end in '.zip'
if '' in tokens[0] and not tokens[0].startswith("git+") and not tokens[0].endswith('.tar.gz'):
tokens[0] = 'git+' + tokens[0]
if '+' in tokens[0]:
(scm, role_url) = tokens[0].split('+')
scm = None
role_url = tokens[0]
def get_role_metadata(role_name, options):
Returns the metadata as YAML, if the file 'meta/main.yml'
exists in the specified role_path
role_path = os.path.join(get_role_path(role_name, options), 'meta/main.yml')
if os.path.isfile(role_path):
f = open(role_path, 'r')
meta_data = yaml.safe_load(f)
return meta_data
if len(tokens) >= 2:
role_version = tokens[1]
if len(tokens) == 3:
role_name = tokens[2]
return None
return None
role_name = RoleRequirement.repo_url_to_role_name(tokens[0])
if scm and not role_version:
role_version = default_role_versions.get(scm, '')
return dict(scm=scm, src=role_url, version=role_version, name=role_name)
def role_yaml_parse(role):
if 'role' in role:
# Old style: {role: "galaxy.role,version,name", other_vars: "here" }
role_info = RoleRequirement.role_spec_parse(role['role'])
if isinstance(role_info, dict):
# Warning: Slight change in behaviour here. name may be being
# overloaded. Previously, name was only a parameter to the role.
# Now it is both a parameter to the role and the name that
# ansible-galaxy will install under on the local system.
if 'name' in role and 'name' in role_info:
del role_info['name']
# New style: { src: 'galaxy.role,version,name', other_vars: "here" }
if '' in role["src"] and 'http' in role["src"] and '+' not in role["src"] and not role["src"].endswith('.tar.gz'):
role["src"] = "git+" + role["src"]
if '+' in role["src"]:
(scm, src) = role["src"].split('+')
role["scm"] = scm
role["src"] = src
if 'name' not in role:
role["name"] = RoleRequirement.repo_url_to_role_name(role["src"])
if 'version' not in role:
role['version'] = ''
if 'scm' not in role:
role['scm'] = None
return role
def scm_archive_role(src, scm='git', name=None, version='HEAD'):
if scm not in ['hg', 'git']:
raise AnsibleError("- scm %s is not currently supported" % scm)
tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
clone_cmd = [scm, 'clone', src, name]
with open('/dev/null', 'w') as devnull:
popen = subprocess.Popen(clone_cmd, cwd=tempdir, stdout=devnull, stderr=devnull)
raise AnsibleError("error executing: %s" % " ".join(clone_cmd))
rc = popen.wait()
if rc != 0:
raise AnsibleError ("- command %s failed in directory %s" % (' '.join(clone_cmd), tempdir))
temp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix='.tar')
if scm == 'hg':
archive_cmd = ['hg', 'archive', '--prefix', "%s/" % name]
if version:
archive_cmd.extend(['-r', version])
if scm == 'git':
archive_cmd = ['git', 'archive', '--prefix=%s/' % name, '--output=%s' %]
if version:
with open('/dev/null', 'w') as devnull:
popen = subprocess.Popen(archive_cmd, cwd=os.path.join(tempdir, name),
stderr=devnull, stdout=devnull)
rc = popen.wait()
if rc != 0:
raise AnsibleError("- command %s failed in directory %s" % (' '.join(archive_cmd), tempdir))
shutil.rmtree(tempdir, ignore_errors=True)
......@@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ def get_docstring(filename, verbose=False):
theid =
except AttributeError as e:
# skip errors can happen when trying to use the normal code
display.warning("Failed to assign id for %t on %s, skipping" % (t, filename))
if 'DOCUMENTATION' in theid:
......@@ -119,6 +120,7 @@ def get_docstring(filename, verbose=False):
display.error("unable to parse %s" % filename)
if verbose == True:
display.display("unable to parse %s" % filename)
return doc, plainexamples, returndocs
......@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ test_galaxy: test_galaxy_spec test_galaxy_yaml
mytmpdir=$(MYTMPDIR) ; \
ansible-galaxy install -r galaxy_rolesfile -p $$mytmpdir/roles ; \
ansible-galaxy install -r galaxy_rolesfile -p $$mytmpdir/roles -vvvv ; \
cp galaxy_playbook.yml $$mytmpdir ; \
ansible-playbook -i $(INVENTORY) $$mytmpdir/galaxy_playbook.yml -v $(TEST_FLAGS) ; \
RC=$$? ; \
......@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ test_galaxy_spec:
mytmpdir=$(MYTMPDIR) ; \
ansible-galaxy install -r galaxy_roles.yml -p $$mytmpdir/roles ; \
ansible-galaxy install -r galaxy_roles.yml -p $$mytmpdir/roles -vvvv; \
cp galaxy_playbook.yml $$mytmpdir ; \
ansible-playbook -i $(INVENTORY) $$mytmpdir/galaxy_playbook.yml -v $(TEST_FLAGS) ; \
RC=$$? ; \
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