Commit 971dd536 by Michael DeHaan

Added documentation on looping over with_* like fileglob

parent dd3beb84
# in addition to loop_with_items, the loop that works over a variable, ansible can do more sophisticated looping.
# developer types: these are powered by 'lookup_plugins' should you ever decide to write your own
# see lib/ansible/runner/lookup_plugins/
- hosts: all
gather_facts: False
# this will copy every file in /etc to the directory /tmp/fuzz
# note the directory must be created first
- file: dest=/tmp/fuzz state=directory
- copy: src=$item dest=/tmp/fuzz/
with_fileglob: /etc/*
# think about what other kinds of variables you would like to use in ansible. It's easy to write lookup
# plugins and the name of the plugin will make "with_(PLUGIN)" available for use in the task syntax.
# for instance, writing a plugin named "weather" would make "with_weather" available, and you could
# write a lookup plugin to query the weather forecast.
# note with_items and with_* are currently incompatible, and you can use only one of these per task.
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