Add JSON output format to DOCUMENTS and EXAMPLES parser

parent c976238a
......@@ -88,6 +88,16 @@ def html_ify(text):
t = _CONST.sub("<code>" + r"\1" + "</code>", t)
return t
def json_ify(text):
t = _ITALIC.sub("<em>" + r"\1" + "</em>", text)
t = _BOLD.sub("<b>" + r"\1" + "</b>", t)
t = _MODULE.sub("<span class='module'>" + r"\1" + "</span>", t)
t = _URL.sub("<a href='" + r"\1" + "'>" + r"\1" + "</a>", t)
t = _CONST.sub("<code>" + r"\1" + "</code>", t)
return t
def man_ify(text):
t = _ITALIC.sub(r'\\fI' + r"\1" + r"\\fR", text)
......@@ -164,7 +174,7 @@ def main():
p.add_argument("-t", "--type",
choices=['html', 'latex', 'man', 'rst'],
choices=['html', 'latex', 'man', 'rst', 'json'],
help="Output type")
p.add_argument("-m", "--module",
......@@ -234,6 +244,9 @@ def main():
env.filters['xline'] = rst_xline
template = env.get_template('rst.j2')
outputname = "%s.rst"
if args.type == 'json':
env.filters['jpfunc'] = json_ify
outputname = "%s.json"
for module in os.listdir(args.module_dir):
if len(args.module_list):
......@@ -267,7 +280,12 @@ def main():
doc['extradata'] = extradata
text = template.render(doc)
if args.type == 'json':
doc = { doc['module'] : doc }
text = json.dumps(doc, indent=2)
text = template.render(doc)
if args.output_dir is not None:
f = open(os.path.join(args.output_dir, outputname % module), 'w')
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