Commit 906746b1 by Stoned Elipot

Add Jinja2 filter 'skipped' to test for a registered variable from a skipped task

parent b2d881a8
......@@ -300,6 +300,8 @@ decide to do something conditionally based on success or failure::
when: result|failed
- action: command /bin/something_else
when: result|success
- action: command /bin/still/something_else
when: result|skipped
As a reminder, to see what derived variables are available, you can do::
......@@ -44,6 +44,13 @@ def failed(*a, **kw):
def success(*a, **kw):
return not failed(*a, **kw)
def skipped(*a, **kw):
item = a[0]
if type(item) != dict:
raise errors.AnsibleError("|skipped expects a dictionary")
skipped = item.get('skipped', False)
return skipped
def mandatory(a):
''' Make a variable mandatory '''
if not a:
......@@ -88,6 +95,9 @@ class FilterModule(object):
'failed' : failed,
'success' : success,
# skip testing
'skipped' : skipped,
# variable existence
'mandatory': mandatory,
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